Judy Banks Art


My Acheivements to Date


2016-  Highly Commended Award at Artworld-Studios Portrait Prize.


2016-  Highly Commended Award in pastels at Gympie Gold Rush Art Show


2017-  First Prize pastel section at OceanShores Country Club Art Show


2017-  Solo exhibition of pastel paintings with Artworld-Studio (Brisbane) titled "It's A Wonderful World"


2017-  Jock McIlwain Perpetual Trophy for Best Painting In Show and first prize Pastel Section at  the Gold Coast Show


2107-  First prize Gold Coast Vintage Section at the Gold Coast Show


2017-  Invitational Group Exhibition Sunrise Arts Lennox Heads


2018-  Finalist in the Morris Art Prize


2018-  Finalist in the Brisbane Rotary Art Extravaganza


2018-  Second prize pastel/drawing section at Ocean Shores Country Club Art Show


2018-  Finalist in the Border Art Prize


2018-   Finalist in the Macgregor Lions Club Art Spectacular


2018-   First Prize Gold Coast Show- Rural Queensland


2018-   Two second prizes monthly competition-  RQAS Broadbeach


2018-   Invitational Group Exhibition Sunrise Arts Lennox Heads


2019-  Two Highly Commended McGregor Lions Club Art Extravaganza

"Coolangatta Rock Pools 1960's"

Pastel on pastelmat paper

"Down the Track:

Pastel on Art Spetrum paper

"Time to Think""

Pastel on Pastelmat (SOLD)

Contact: judy@judybanksart.com.au      Mobile: +61 408016226